I personally knew each man herein; the comments are strickly my own. This is completely my own idea of memoralizing the people who I worked with who are no longer with us. I hope this will serve as a place to come to and remember those who served honorably and dedicated themselves to the citizens of the City Of Utica. If you'd like send a photo you'd like to see here.

Chief Benny Rotundo

Benny Rotundo 1967

Chief Rotundo

I was first appointed in September of 1967.  Benny was a Sergeant at the time.  When he became Chief in 1970 I was confident we were getting the right man to get the job done.  Benny was not only my Chief for over 18 years but I considered him to be part of my family.  He gave me sound advice and was someone I could trust to have my back should the occasion arise.  I could use more flowery language here, but won't because I know he wouldn't approve.
He in my opinion was every bit the profile of a Police Officer and especially of a Command Police Officer. He on many occasions displayed fearless bravery in the face of those who would attack him.  He was well respected throughout the  community and also throughout the Department. I'm feeling blessed to have served under him for many years.

Deputy Chief Richard Stemmer

Deputy Chief Dick Stemmer passed away Dec. 26, 2018. He was a dedicated police officer and a special human being.  He will forever live on in the memory of so many lives he touched. RIP Brother.

Captain Kenneth E. Wiediger

First Captain I worked for in 1967 Likable Boss Tough but fair. Died at 91 yrs. September 19, 2010 RIP

Captain William (Bill) Dillon

Served 31 years retired in 83 80 Yrs old. Died Oct.11, 2006 as result of Motorcycle accident.

Captain Edward Luley

A Captain that was respected by the men who served under him. Served 27 years. My pleasure to have worked with him. Died at 97 in 2011.

Captain William O. Williams

Passed on September 15, 1985 age 61 of Heart Attack. Dedicated Public Servant. My honor to have served under him for a lot of years.

Captain Claude Demetri

Passed away at 64 on July 5, 2006 advanced through the ranks as Patrol Sergeant, Lieutenant, Criminal Investigation Commander, Tactical Unit Commander, Patrol Commander and Commander of the Arson Strike Task Force.

Captain Donald Ambrose

Captain Donald Ambrose
 Exceptional leader, fair, able, compassionate and a big brother to many Police Officers.
Passed on November 5, 2015
You will not be forgotten, Thanks for all you gave.

Captain N.J. LaBella

Here's a man you could be proud to know.  Outstanding Police Officer, Outstanding Leader, fine person.  Intelligent, competent, easy to understand and a respecter of the position he held.    Passed on October 22, 2019 at the age of 82.